Friday, April 01, 2005

Nueva York, el capital del mundo

I took a leisurely pace to get to NYC. I went over the Hope bridge near Bristol where I stayed. This was only the first of many impressive bridges to cross on my way down the coast of the eastern seaboard. I stopped in New Haven, CT at IKEA and bought some of the CD racks I've been wanting since last year.
However, when I finally got to Kennedy Airport, I was heavy of the bladder, and I couldn't find a space. I did however, find a quiet corner (sssh...don't tell the TSA) to take care of situation #1, and I asked some helpful gentlemen if there were any spaces left in the godforsaken parking lot. Having taken their advice, I parked remarkably close to the subway stop. However, since there is no allowance made for those who might park at an airport in order to use the local public transit, I had to pay $5 to both exit and re-enter the parking lot, (because these folks assume that I took the so-called "Sky Train" to get there).
Anyways, I took a marathon subway train ride from JFK Airport in Queens all the way to midtown Manhattan and the Museum of Natural History. The Museum itself is very thoughtfully arranged in the newer exhibits, such as the exhibit on the big bang and cosmological time, and the exhibit on the evolution of vertebrates on the top floor (In fact, there was no single hall in any floor devoted to invertebrates, although they do make up the vast majority of the biomass of the planet.) However, the older exhibits were rather haphazardly arranged, and did not really present a cohesive view of their subject, but a lighthearted dance through anthropology and zoology.
Anyways, as I was walking out I met Chris Parnell of SNL. I walked past him on the stairway. I sheepishly (like every idiot) told him I thought he was hilarious, and he was very polite. I think this beats last year's NYC sightings of Bill and Omorosa from The Apprentice. Although, unfortunately, it still means I'm an American idiot.
From this point, after a brief consultation with my wonderful host M'Lis on the cell phone, I promptly sent myself to Brooklyn via the subway. However, my triumphant return to Manhattan was celebrated with a vaguely Asian chicken sandwich in a cute dive in Soho. M'Lis and her siblings Meagan and Jon (all my neighbor Judy's cousins) and Jon's wife Nic, were very gracious and friendly. I had a great time with them, and we headed a little uptown for a movie, Millions, which although a delightful tale playing with the nature of materialism and spirituality in our modern world, could have used a small amount of editing. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested into this classic philosophical dance, however, I would warn anyone that it does not really deal with this subject in depth, but rather in breadth.
We all snuggled into M'Lis and Meagan's apartment in Brooklyn for the night, and I had a pleasant evening with Bridger, the third cat of the week.


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